Package 'logicDT'

Title: Identifying Interactions Between Binary Predictors
Description: A statistical learning method that tries to find the best set of predictors and interactions between predictors for modeling binary or quantitative response data in a decision tree. Several search algorithms and ensembling techniques are implemented allowing for finetuning the method to the specific problem. Interactions with quantitative covariables can be properly taken into account by fitting local regression models. Moreover, a variable importance measure for assessing marginal and interaction effects is provided. Implements the procedures proposed by Lau et al. (2024, <doi:10.1007/s10994-023-06488-6>).
Authors: Michael Lau [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Michael Lau <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 1.0.5
Built: 2025-02-21 03:44:27 UTC

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Get the best number of boosting iterations


This function can be used to compute the ideal number of boosting iterations for the fitted logic.boosted model using independent validation data.


bestBoostingIter(model, X, y, Z = NULL, consec.iter = 5, scoring_rule = "auc")



Fitted logic.boosted model


Matrix or data frame of binary validation input data. This object should correspond to the binary matrix for fitting the model.


Validation response vector. 0-1 coding for binary outcomes.


Optional quantitative covariables supplied as a matrix or data frame. Only used (and required) if the model was fitted using them.


Number of consecutive boosting iterations that do not increase the validation performance for determining the ideal number of iterations


Scoring rule computing the validation performance. This can either be "auc" for the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (default for binary reponses), "deviance" for the deviance, "nce" for the normalized cross entropy or "brier" for the Brier score. For regression purposes, the MSE (mean squared error) is automatically chosen.


If the model performance (on the validation data) cannot be increased for consec.iter consecutive boosting iterations, the last iteration which increased the validation performance induces the ideal number of boosting iterations.


The ideal number of boosting iterations

Fast computation of the AUC w.r.t. to the ROC


This function computes the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve.


calcAUC(preds, y, fast = TRUE, sorted = FALSE)



Numeric vector of predicted scores


True binary outcomes coded as 0 or 1. Must be an integer vector.


Shall the computation be as fast as possible?


Are the predicted scores already sorted increasingly? If so, this can slightly speed up the computation.


The AUC between 0 and 1

Calculate the Brier score


Computation of the Brier score, i.e., the mean squared error for risk estimates in a binary classification problem.


calcBrier(preds, y)



Numeric vector of predictions


True outcomes


The Brier score

Calculate the deviance


Computation of the deviance, i.e., two times the negative log likelihood for risk estimates in a binary classification problem.


calcDev(preds, y)



Numeric vector of predictions


True outcomes


The deviance

Calculate the misclassification rate


Computation of the misclassification rate for risk estimates in a binary classification problem.


calcMis(preds, y, cutoff = 0.5)



Numeric vector of predictions


True outcomes


Classification cutoff. By default, scores above 50 otherwise.


The misclassification rate

Calculate the MSE


Computation of the mean squared error.


calcMSE(preds, y)



Numeric vector of predictions


True outcomes



Calculate the normalized cross entropy


This function computes the normalized cross entropy (NCE) which is given by

NCE=1Ni=1Nyilog(pi)+(1yi)log(1pi)plog(p)+(1p)log(1p)\mathrm{NCE} = \frac{\frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^{N} y_i \cdot \log(p_i) + (1-y_i) \cdot \log(1-p_i)}{ p \cdot \log(p) + (1-p) \cdot \log(1-p)}

where (for i{1,,N}i \in \lbrace 1,\ldots,N \rbrace) yi{0,1}y_i \in \lbrace 0,1 \rbrace are the true classes, pip_i are the risk/probability predictions and p=1Ni=1Nyip = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^{N} y_i is total unrestricted empirical risk estimate.


calcNCE(preds, y)



Numeric vector of risk estimates


Vector of true binary outcomes


Smaller values towards zero are generally prefered. A NCE of one or above would indicate that the used model yields comparable or worse predictions than the naive mean model.


The normalized cross entropy


  • He, X., Pan, J., Jin, O., Xu, T., Liu, B., Xu, T., Shi, Y., Atallah, A., Herbrich, R., Bowers, S., Candela, J. Q. (2014). Practical Lessons from Predicting Clicks on Ads at Facebook. Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on Data Mining for Online Advertising 1-9. doi:10.1145/2648584.2648589

Calculate the NRMSE


Computation of the normalized root mean squared error.


calcNRMSE(preds, y, type = "sd")



Numeric vector of predictions


True outcomes


"sd" uses the standard deviation of y for normalization. "range" uses the whole span of y.



Define the cooling schedule for simulated annealing


This function should be used to configure a search with simulated annealing.


  type = "adaptive",
  start_temp = 1,
  end_temp = -1,
  lambda = 0.01,
  total_iter = 2e+05,
  markov_iter = 1000,
  markov_leave_frac = 1,
  acc_type = "probabilistic",
  frozen_def = "acc",
  frozen_acc_frac = 0.01,
  frozen_markov_count = 5,
  frozen_markov_mode = "total",
  start_temp_steps = 10000,
  start_acc_ratio = 0.95,
  auto_start_temp = TRUE,
  remember_models = TRUE,
  print_iter = 1000



Type of cooling schedule. "adaptive" (default) or "geometric"


Start temperature on a log10 scale. Only used if auto_start_temp = FALSE.


End temperature on a log10 scale. Only used if type = "geometric".


Cooling parameter for the adaptive schedule. Values between 0.01 and 0.1 are recommended such that in total, several hundred thousand iterations are performed. Lower values lead to a more fine search with more iterations while higher values lead to a more coarse search with less total iterations.


Total number of iterations that should be performed. Only used for the geometric cooling schedule.


Number of iterations for each Markov chain. The standard value does not need to be tuned, since the temperature steps and number of iterations per chain act complementary to each other, i.e., less iterations can be compensated by smaller temperature steps.


Fraction of accepted moves leading to an early temperature reduction. This is primarily used at (too) high temperatures lowering the temperature if essentially a random walk is performed. E.g., a value of 0.5 together with markov_iter = 1000 means that the chain will be left if 0.51000=5000.5 \cdot 1000 = 500 states were accepted in a single chain.


Type of acceptance function. The standard "probabilistic" uses the conventional function exp((ScoreoldScorenew)/t)\exp((\mathrm{Score}_\mathrm{old} - \mathrm{Score}_\mathrm{new})/t) for calculating the acceptance probability. "deterministic" accepts the new state, if and only if ScorenewScoreold<t\mathrm{Score}_\mathrm{new} - \mathrm{Score}_\mathrm{old} < t.


How to define a frozen chain. "acc" means that if less than frozen_acc_fracmarkov_iter\texttt{frozen\_acc\_frac} \cdot \texttt{markov\_iter} states with different scores were accepted in a single chain, this chain is marked as frozen. "sd" declares a chain as frozen if the corresponding score standard deviation is zero. Several frozen chains indicate that the search is finished.


If frozen_def = "acc", this parameter determines the fraction of iterations that define a frozen chain.


Number of frozen chains that need to be observed for finishing the search.


Do the frozen chains have to occur consecutively ("consecutive") or is the total number of frozen chains relevant ("total")?


Number of iterations that should be used for estimating the ideal start temperature if auto_start_temp = TRUE is set.


Acceptance ratio that should be achieved with the automatically configured start temperature.


Should the start temperature be configured automatically? TRUE or FALSE


Should already evaluated models be saved in a 2-dimensional hash table to prevent fitting the same trees multiple times?


Number of iterations after which a progress report shall be printed.


type = "adapative" (default) automatically choses the temperature steps by using the standard deviation of the scores in a Markov chain together with the current temperature to evaluate if equilibrium is achieved. If the standard deviation is small or the temperature is high, equilibrium can be assumed leading to a strong temperature reduction. Otherwise, the temperature is only merely lowered. The parameter lambda is essential to control how fast the schedule will be executed and, thus, how many total iterations will be performed.

type = "geometric" is the conventional approach which requires more finetuning. Here, temperatures are uniformly lowered on a log10 scale. Thus, a start and an end temperature have to be supplied.


An object of class cooling.schedule which is a list of all necessary cooling parameters.

Optimal pruning via cross-validation


Using a fitted logicDT model, its logic decision tree can be optimally (post-)pruned utilizing k-fold cross-validation.


  nfolds = 10,
  scoring_rule = "deviance",
  choose = "1se",
  simplify = TRUE



A fitted logicDT model


Number of cross-validation folds


The scoring rule for evaluating the cross-validation error and its standard error. For classification tasks, "deviance" or "Brier" should be used.


Model selection scheme. If the model that minimizes the cross-validation error should be chosen, choose = "min" should be set. Otherwise, choose = "1se" leads to simplest model in the range of one standard error of the minimizing model.


Should the pruned model be simplified with regard to the input terms, i.e., should terms that are no longer in the tree contained be removed from the model?


Similar to Breiman et al. (1984), we implement post-pruning by first computing the optimal pruning path and then using cross-validation for identifying the best generalizing model.

In order to handle continuous covariables with fitted regression models in each leaf, similar to the likelihood-ratio splitting criterion in logicDT, we propose using the log-likelihood as the impurity criterion in this case for computing the pruning path. In particular, for each node tt, the weighted node impurity p(t)i(t)p(t)i(t) has to be calculated and the inequality

Δi(s,t):=i(t)p(tLt)i(tL)p(tRt)i(tR)0\Delta i(s,t) := i(t) - p(t_L | t)i(t_L) - p(t_R | t)i(t_R) \geq 0

has to be fulfilled for each possible split ss splitting tt into two subnodes tLt_L and tRt_R. Here, i(t)i(t) describes the impurity of a node tt, p(t)p(t) the proportion of data points falling into tt, and p(tt)p(t' | t) the proportion of data points falling from tt into tt'. Since the regression models are fitted using maximum likelihood, the maximum likelihood criterion fulfills this property and can also be seen as an extension of the entropy impurity criterion in the case of classification or an extension of the MSE impurity criterion in the case of regression.

The default model selection is done by choosing the most parsimonious model that yields a cross-validation error in the range of CVmin+SEmin\mathrm{CV}_{\min} + \mathrm{SE}_{\min} for the minimal cross-validation error CVmin\mathrm{CV}_{\min} and its corresponding standard error SEmin\mathrm{SE}_{\min}. For a more robust standard error estimation, the scores are calculated per training observation such that the AUC is no longer an appropriate choice and the deviance or the Brier score should be used in the case of classification.


A list containing


The new logicDT model containing the optimally pruned tree


A data frame containing the penalties, the cross-validation scores and the corresponding standard errors


The ideal penalty value


  • Breiman, L., Friedman, J., Stone, C. J. & Olshen, R. A. (1984). Classification and Regression Trees. CRC Press. doi:10.1201/9781315139470

Fitting 4pL models


Method for fitting four parameter logistic models. In the fashion of this package, only binary and quantitative outcomes are supported.


fit4plModel(y, Z)



Response vector. 0-1 coding for binary outcomes, otherwise conventional regression is performed.


Numeric vector of (univariate) input samples.


4pL models are non-linear regression models of the shape

Y=f(x,b,c,d,e)+ε=c+dc1+exp(b(xe))+εY = f(x, b, c, d, e) + \varepsilon = c + \frac{d-c}{1+\exp(b \cdot (x-e))} + \varepsilon

with ε\varepsilon being a random error term.


An object of class "4pl" which contains a numeric vector of the fitted parameters b, c, d, and e.

Linear models based on boosted models


This function uses a fitted logic.boosted model for fitting a linear or logistic (depending on the type of outcome) regression model.


fitLinearBoostingModel(model, n.iter, type = "standard", s = NULL, ...)



Fitted logic.boosted model


Number of boosting iterations to be used


Type of linear model to be fitted. Either "standard" (without regularization), "lasso" (LASSO) or "cv.lasso" (LASSO with cross-validation for automatically configuring the complexity penalty).


Regularization parameter. Only used if type = "lasso" is set.


Additional parameters passed to glmnet or cv.glmnet if the corresponding model type was chosen.


In this procedure, the logic terms are extracted from the individual logicDT models and the set of unique terms are used as predictors in a regression model. For incorporating a continuous covariable the covariable itself as well as products of the covariable with the extracted logic terms are included as predictors in the regression model.

For more details on the possible types of linear models, see fitLinearLogicModel.


A linear.logic model. This is a list containing the logic terms used as predictors in the model and the fitted glm model.

Linear models based on logic terms


This function fits a linear or logistic regression model (based on the type of outcome) using the supplied logic terms, e.g., $disj from a fitted logicDT model.


  Z = NULL,
  Z.interactions = TRUE,
  type = "standard",
  s = NULL,



Matrix or data frame of binary input data. This object should correspond to the binary matrix for fitting the model.


Response vector. 0-1 coding for binary outcomes.


Optional quantitative covariables supplied as a matrix or data frame. Only used (and required) if the model was fitted using them.


Integer matrix of logic terms. As in logicDT, each row corresponds to a term/conjunction. Negative values indicate negations. The absolute values of an entry correspond to the predictor index in X.


Shall interactions with the continuous covariable Z be taken into account by including products of the terms with Z?


Type of linear model to be fitted. Either "standard" (without regularization), "lasso" (LASSO) or "cv.lasso" (LASSO with cross-validation for automatically configuring the complexity penalty).


Regularization parameter. Only used if type = "lasso" is set.


Additional parameters passed to glmnet or cv.glmnet if the corresponding model type was chosen.


For creating sparse final models, the LASSO can be used for shrinking unnecessary term coefficients down to zero (type = "lasso"). If the complexity penalty s shall be automatically tuned, cross-validation can be employed (type = "cv.lasso"). However, since other hyperparameters also have to be tuned when fitting a linear boosting model such as the complexity penalty for restricting the number of variables in the terms, manually tuning the LASSO penalty together with the other hyperparameters is recommended. For every hyperparameter setting of the boosting itself, the best corresponding LASSO penalty s can be identified by, e.g., choosing the s that minimizes the validation data error. Thus, this hyperparameter does not have to be explicitly tuned via a grid search but is induced by the setting of the other hyperparameters. For finding the ideal value of s using independent validation data, the function get.ideal.penalty can be used.


A linear.logic model. This is a list containing the logic terms used as predictors in the model and the fitted glm model.


  • Tibshirani, R. (1996). Regression Shrinkage and Selection via the Lasso. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological), 58(1), 267–288. doi:10.1111/j.2517-6161.1996.tb02080.x

  • Friedman, J., Hastie, T., & Tibshirani, R. (2010). Regularization Paths for Generalized Linear Models via Coordinate Descent. Journal of statistical software, 33(1), 1–22. doi:10.18637/jss.v033.i01

Fitting linear models


Method for fitting linear models. In the fashion of this package, only binary and quantitative outcomes are supported.


fitLinearModel(y, Z, logistic = TRUE)



Response vector. 0-1 coding for binary outcomes, otherwise conventional regression is performed.


Numeric vector of (univariate) input samples.


Logical indicating whether, in the case of a binary outcome, a logistic regression model should be fitted (TRUE) or a LDA model should be fitted (FALSE)


For binary outcomes, predictions are cut at 0 or 1 for generating proper probability estimates.


An object of class "linear" which contains a numeric vector of the fitted parameters b and c.

Tuning the LASSO regularization parameter


This function takes a fitted linear.logic model and independent validation data as input for finding the ideal LASSO complexity penalty s.


  Z = NULL,
  scoring_rule = "deviance",
  choose = "min"



A fitted linear.logic model (i.e., a model created via fitLinearLogicModel or fitLinearBoostingModel)


Matrix or data frame of binary input data. This object should correspond to the binary matrix for fitting the model.


Response vector. 0-1 coding for binary outcomes.


Optional quantitative covariables supplied as a matrix or data frame. Only used (and required) if the model was fitted using them.


The scoring rule for evaluating the validation error and its standard error. For classification tasks, "deviance" or "Brier" should be used.


Model selection scheme. If the model that minimizes the validation error should be chosen, choose = "min" should be set. Otherwise, choose = "1se" leads to simplest model in the range of one standard error of the minimizing model.


A list containing


A data frame containing the penalties, the validation scores and the corresponding standard errors


The ideal penalty value

Design matrix for the set of conjunctions


Transform the original predictor matrix X into the conjunction design matrix which contains for each conjunction a corresponding column.


getDesignMatrix(X, disj)



The original (binary) predictor matrix. This has to be of type integer.


The conjunction matrix which can, e.g., be extracted from a fitted logicDT model via $disj.


The transformed design matrix.

Gene-environment interaction test


Using a fitted logicDT model, a general GxE interaction test can be performed.


gxe.test(model, X, y, Z, perm.test = TRUE, n.perm = 10000)



A fitted logicDT model with 4pL models in its leaves.


Binary predictor data for testing the interaction effect. This can be equal to the training data.


Response vector for testing the interaction effect. This can be equal to the training data.


Quantitative covariable for testing the interaction effect. This can be equal to the training data.


Should additionally permutation testing be performed? Useful if likelihood ratio test asymptotics cannot be justified.


Number of random permutations for permutation testing


The testing is done by fitting one shared 4pL model for all tree branches with different offsets, i.e., allowing main effects of SNPs. This shared model is compared to the individual 4pL models fitted in the logicDT procedure using a likelihood ratio test which is asymptotically χ2\chi^2 distributed. The degrees of freedom are equal to the difference in model parameters. For regression tasks, alternatively, a F-test can be utilized.

The shared 4pL model is given by

Y=f~(x,z,b,c,d,e,β1,,βG1)+ε=c+dc1+exp(b(xe))+g=1G1βg1(z=g)+εY = \tilde{f}(x, z, b, c, d, e, \beta_1, \ldots, \beta_{G-1}) + \varepsilon = c + \frac{d-c}{1+\exp(b \cdot (x-e))} + \sum_{g=1}^{G-1} \beta_g \cdot 1(z = g) + \varepsilon

with z{1,,G}z \in \lbrace 1, \ldots, G \rbrace being a grouping variable, β1,,βG1\beta_1, \ldots, \beta_{G-1} being the offsets for the different groups, and ε\varepsilon being a random error term. Note that the last group GG does not have an offset parameter, since the model is calibrated such that the curve without any β\beta's fits to the last group.

The likelihood ratio test statistic is given by

Λ=2(sharedfull)\Lambda = -2(\ell_{\mathrm{shared}} - \ell_{\mathrm{full}})

for the log likelihoods of the shared and full 4pL models, respectively. In the regression case, the test statistic can be calculated as

Λ=N(log(RSSshared)log(RSSfull))\Lambda = N(\log(\mathrm{RSS}_{\mathrm{shared}}) - \log(\mathrm{RSS}_{\mathrm{full}}))

with RSS\mathrm{RSS} being the residual sum of squares for the respective model.

For regression tasks, the alternative F test statistic is given by

f=1df1(RSSsharedRSSfull)1df2RSSfullf = \frac{\frac{1}{\mathrm{df}_1}(\mathrm{RSS}_{\mathrm{shared}} - \mathrm{RSS}_{\mathrm{full}})} {\frac{1}{\mathrm{df}_2} \mathrm{RSS}_{\mathrm{full}}}


df1=Difference in the number of model parameters=3nscenarios3,\mathrm{df}_1 = \mathrm{Difference\ in\ the\ number\ of\ model\ parameters} = 3 \cdot n_{\mathrm{scenarios}} - 3,

df2=Degrees of freedom of the full model=N4nscenarios,\mathrm{df}_2 = \mathrm{Degrees\ of\ freedom\ of\ the\ full\ model} = N - 4 \cdot n_{\mathrm{scenarios}},

and nscenariosn_{\mathrm{scenarios}} being the number of identified predictor scenarios/groups by logicDT.

Alternatively, if linear models were fitted in the supplied logicDT model, shared linear models can be used to test for a GxE interaction. For continuous outcomes, the shared linear model is given by

Y=f~(x,z,α,β1,,βG)+ε=αx+g=1Gβg1(z=g)+ε.Y = \tilde{f}(x, z, \alpha, \beta_1, \ldots, \beta_{G}) + \varepsilon = \alpha \cdot x + \sum_{g=1}^{G} \beta_g \cdot 1(z = g) + \varepsilon.

For binary outcomes, LDA (linear discriminant analysis) models are fitted. In contrast to the 4pL-based test for binary outcomes, varying offsets for the individual groups are injected to the linear predictor instead of to the probability (response) scale.

If only few samples are available and the asymptotics of likelihood ratio tests cannot be justified, alternatively, a permutation test approach can be employed by setting perm.test = TRUE and specifying an appropriate number of random permutations via n.perm. For this approach, computed likelihoods of the shared and (paired) full likelihood groups are randomly interchanged approximating the null distribution of equal likelihoods. A p-value can be computed by determining the fraction of more extreme null samples compared to the original likelihood ratio test statistic, i.e., using the fraction of higher likelihood ratios in the null distribution than the original likelihood ratio.


A list containing


The p-value of the chi-squared test statistic.


The p-value of the F test statistic.


The p-value of the optional permutation test.


Log likelihood of the shared parameters 4pL model.


Log likelihood of the full logicDT model.


Residual sum of squares of the shared parameters 4pL model.


Residual sum of squares of the full logicDT model.

Gene-environment (GxE) interaction test based on boosted linear models


This function takes a fitted linear.logic model and independent test data as input for testing if there is a general GxE interaction. This hypothesis test is based on a likelihood-ratio test.


gxe.test.boosting(model, X, y, Z)



A fitted linear.logic model (i.e., a model created via fitLinearLogicModel or fitLinearBoostingModel)


Matrix or data frame of binary input data. This object should correspond to the binary matrix for fitting the model.


Response vector. 0-1 coding for binary outcomes.


Quantitative covariable supplied as a matrix or data frame


In detail, the null hypothesis

H0:δ1==δB=0H_0: \delta_1 = \ldots = \delta_B = 0

using the supplied linear model

g(E[Y])=β0+i=1Bβi1[Ci]+δ0E+i=1Bδi1[Ci]Eg(E[Y]) = \beta_0 + \sum_{i=1}^B \beta_i \cdot 1[C_i] + \delta_0 \cdot E + \sum_{i=1}^B \delta_i \cdot 1[C_i] \cdot E

is tested.


A list containing


The deviance used for performing the likelihood-ratio test


The p-value of the test

Term importance test based on boosted linear models


This function takes a fitted linear.logic model and independent test data as input for testing if the included terms are influential with respect to the outcome. This hypothesis test is based on a likelihood-ratio test.


importance.test.boosting(model, X, y, Z, Z.interactions = TRUE)



A fitted linear.logic model (i.e., a model created via fitLinearLogicModel or fitLinearBoostingModel)


Matrix or data frame of binary input data. This object should correspond to the binary matrix for fitting the model.


Response vector. 0-1 coding for binary outcomes.


Optional quantitative covariables supplied as a matrix or data frame. Only used (and required) if the model was fitted using them.


A Boolean value determining whether interactions with quantitative covaraible Z shall be taken into account


In detail, the null hypotheses

H0:βj=δj=0H_0: \beta_j = \delta_j = 0

using the linear model

g(E[Y])=β0+i=1Bβi1[Ci]+δ0E+i=1Bδi1[Ci]Eg(E[Y]) = \beta_0 + \sum_{i=1}^B \beta_i \cdot 1[C_i] + \delta_0 \cdot E + \sum_{i=1}^B \delta_i \cdot 1[C_i] \cdot E

are tested for each j{1,,B}j \in \lbrace 1,\ldots,B \rbrace if Z.interactions is set to TRUE. Otherwise, the null hypotheses

H0:βj=0H_0: \beta_j = 0

using the linear model

g(E[Y])=β0+i=1Bβi1[Ci]+δ0Eg(E[Y]) = \beta_0 + \sum_{i=1}^B \beta_i \cdot 1[C_i] + \delta_0 \cdot E

are tested.


A data frame consisting of three columns,


The tested term,


The associated variable importance, and


The corresponding p-value for testing if the term is influential.

Fitting logic decision trees


Main function for fitting logicDT models.


## Default S3 method:
  max_vars = 3,
  max_conj = 3,
  Z = NULL,
  search_algo = "sa",
  cooling_schedule = cooling.schedule(),
  scoring_rule = "auc",
  tree_control = tree.control(),
  gamma = 0,
  simplify = "vars",
  val_method = "none",
  val_frac = 0.5,
  val_reps = 10,
  allow_conj_removal = TRUE,
  conjsize = 1,
  randomize_greedy = FALSE,
  greedy_mod = TRUE,
  greedy_rem = FALSE,
  max_gen = 10000,
  gp_sigma = 0.15,
  gp_fs_interval = 1,

## S3 method for class 'formula'
logicDT(formula, data, ...)



Matrix or data frame of binary predictors coded as 0 or 1.


Response vector. 0-1 coding for binary responses. Otherwise, a regression task is assumed.


Maximum number of predictors in the set of predictors. For the set [X1X2c,X1X3][X_1 \land X_2^c, X_1 \land X_3], this parameter is equal to 4.


Maximum number of conjunctions/input variables for the decision trees. For the set [X1X2c,X1X3][X_1 \land X_2^c, X_1 \land X_3], this parameter is equal to 2.


Optional matrix or data frame of quantitative/continuous covariables. Multiple covariables allowed for splitting the trees. If leaf regression models (such as four parameter logistic models) shall be fitted, only the first given covariable is used.


Search algorithm for guiding the global search. This can either be "sa" for simulated annealing, "greedy" for a greedy search or "gp" for genetic programming.


Cooling schedule parameters if simulated annealing is used. The required object should be created via the function cooling.schedule.


Scoring rule for guiding the global search. This can either be "auc" for the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (default for binary reponses), "deviance" for the deviance, "nce" for the normalized cross entropy or "brier" for the Brier score. For regression purposes, the MSE (mean squared error) is automatically chosen.


Parameters controlling the fitting of decision trees. This should be configured via the function tree.control.


Complexity penalty added to the score. If gamma>0\texttt{gamma} > 0 is given, gammam0\texttt{gamma} \cdot ||m||_0 is added to the score with m0||m||_0 being the total number of variables contained in the current model mm. The main purpose of this penalty is for fitting logicDT stumps in conjunction with boosting. For regular logicDT models or bagged logicDT models, instead, the model complexity parameters max_vars and max_conj should be tuned.


Should the final fitted model be simplified? This means, that unnecessary terms as a whole ("conj") will be removed if they cannot improve the score. simplify = "vars" additionally tries to prune individual conjunctions by removing unnecessary variables in those. simplify = "none" will not modify the final model.


Inner validation method. "rv" leads to a repeated validation where val_reps times the original data set is divided into val_frac100%\texttt{val\_frac} \cdot 100\% validation data and (1val_frac)100%(1-\texttt{val\_frac}) \cdot 100\% training data. "bootstrap" draws bootstrap samples and uses the out-of-bag data as validation data. "cv" employs cross-validation with val_reps folds.


Only used if val_method = "rv". See description of val_method.


Number of inner validation partitionings.


Should it be allowed to remove complete terms/conjunctions in the search? If a model with the specified exact number of terms is desired, this should be set to FALSE. If extensive hyperparameter optimizations are feasible, allow_conj_removal = FALSE with a proper search over max_vars and max_conj is advised for fitting single models. For bagging or boosting with a greedy search, allow_conj_removal = TRUE together with a small number for max_vars = max_conj is recommended, e.g., 2 or 3.


The minimum of training samples that have to belong to a conjunction. This parameters prevents including unnecessarily complex conjunctions that rarely occur.


Should the greedy search be randomized by only considering Neighbour states\sqrt{\mathrm{Neighbour\ states}} neighbors at each iteration, similar to random forests. Speeds up the greedy search but can lead to inferior results.


Should modifications of conjunctions be considered in a greedy search? greedy_mod = FALSE speeds up the greedy search but can lead to inferior results.


Should the removal of conjunctions be considered in a greedy search? greedy_rem = FALSE speeds up the greedy search but can lead to inferior results.


Maximum number of generations for genetic programming.


Parameter σ\sigma for fitness sharing in genetic programming. Very small values (e.g., 0.001) are recommended leading to only penalizing models which yield the exact same score.


Interval for fitness sharing in genetic programming. The fitness calculation can be computationally expensive if many models exist in one generation. gp_fs_interval = 10 leads to performing fitness sharing only every 10th generation.


Arguments passed to logicDT.default


An object of type formula describing the model to be fitted.


A data frame containing the data for the corresponding formula object. Must also contain quantitative covariables if they should be included as well.


logicDT is a method for finding response-associated interactions between binary predictors. A global search for the best set of predictors and interactions between predictors is performed trying to find the global optimal decision trees. On the one hand, this can be seen as a variable selection. On the other hand, Boolean conjunctions between binary predictors can be identified as impactful which is particularly useful if the corresponding marginal effects are negligible due to the greedy fashion of choosing splits in decision trees.

Three search algorithms are implemented:

  • Simulated annealing. An exhaustive stochastic optimization procedure. Recommended for single models (without [outer] bagging or boosting).

  • Greedy search. A very fast search always looking for the best possible improvement. Recommended for ensemble models.

  • Genetic programming. A more or less intensive search holding several competetive models at each generation. Niche method which is only recommended if multiple (simple) models do explain the variation in the response.

Furthermore, the option of a so-called "inner validation" is available. Here, the search is guided using several train-validation-splits and the average of the validation performance. This approach is computationally expensive but can lead to more robust single models.

For minimizing the computation time, two-dimensional hash tables are used saving evaluated models. This is irrelevant for the greedy search but can heavily improve the fitting times when employing a search with simulated annealing or genetic programming, especially when choosing an inner validation.


An object of class logicDT. This is a list containing


A matrix of the identified set of predictors and conjunctions of predictors. Each row corresponds to one term. Each entry corresponds to the column index in X. Negative values indicate negations. Missing values mean that the term does not contain any more variables.


Human readable form of disj. Here, variable names are directly depicted.


Score of the best model. Smaller values are prefered.


Decision tree fitted on the best set of input terms. This is a list containing the pointer to the C representation of the tree and R representations of the tree structure such as the splits and predictions.


List of decision trees. Only relevant if inner validation was used.


The total number of search iterations, i.e., tested configurations by fitting a tree (ensemble) and evaluating it.


The number of prevented tree fittings by using the two-dimensional hash table.


Supplied parameters of the functional call to logicDT.

Saving and Loading

logicDT models can be saved and loaded using save(...) and load(...). The internal C structures will not be saved but rebuilt from the R representations if necessary.


  • Lau, M., Schikowski, T. & Schwender, H. (2024). logicDT: A procedure for identifying response-associated interactions between binary predictors. Machine Learning 113(2):933–992. doi:10.1007/s10994-023-06488-6

  • Breiman, L., Friedman, J., Stone, C. J. & Olshen, R. A. (1984). Classification and Regression Trees. CRC Press. doi:10.1201/9781315139470

  • Kirkpatrick, S., Gelatt C. D. & Vecchi M. P. (1983). Optimization by Simulated Annealing. Science 220(4598):671–680. doi:10.1126/science.220.4598.671


# Generate toy data
maf <- 0.25
n.snps <- 50
N <- 2000
X <- matrix(sample(0:2, n.snps * N, replace = TRUE,
                   prob = c((1-maf)^2, 1-(1-maf)^2-maf^2, maf^2)),
            ncol = n.snps)
colnames(X) <- paste("SNP", 1:n.snps, sep="")
X <- splitSNPs(X)
Z <- matrix(rnorm(N, 20, 10), ncol = 1)
colnames(Z) <- "E"
Z[Z < 0] <- 0
y <- -0.75 + log(2) * (X[,"SNP1D"] != 0) +
  log(4) * Z/20 * (X[,"SNP2D"] != 0 & X[,"SNP3D"] == 0) +
  rnorm(N, 0, 1)

# Fit and evaluate single logicDT model
model <- logicDT(X[1:(N/2),], y[1:(N/2)],
                 Z = Z[1:(N/2),,drop=FALSE],
                 max_vars = 3, max_conj = 2,
                 search_algo = "sa",
                 tree_control = tree.control(
                   nodesize = floor(0.05 * nrow(X)/2)
                 simplify = "vars",
                 allow_conj_removal = FALSE,
                 conjsize = floor(0.05 * nrow(X)/2))
calcNRMSE(predict(model, X[(N/2+1):N,],
                  Z = Z[(N/2+1):N,,drop=FALSE]), y[(N/2+1):N])

# Fit and evaluate bagged logicDT model
model.bagged <- logicDT.bagging(X[1:(N/2),], y[1:(N/2)],
                                Z = Z[1:(N/2),,drop=FALSE],
                                bagging.iter = 50,
                                max_vars = 3, max_conj = 3,
                                search_algo = "greedy",
                                tree_control = tree.control(
                                  nodesize = floor(0.05 * nrow(X)/2)
                                simplify = "vars",
                                conjsize = floor(0.05 * nrow(X)/2))
calcNRMSE(predict(model.bagged, X[(N/2+1):N,],
                  Z = Z[(N/2+1):N,,drop=FALSE]), y[(N/2+1):N])

# Fit and evaluate boosted logicDT model
model.boosted <- logicDT.boosting(X[1:(N/2),], y[1:(N/2)],
                                  Z = Z[1:(N/2),,drop=FALSE],
                                  boosting.iter = 50,
                                  learning.rate = 0.01,
                                  subsample.frac = 0.75,
                                  replace = FALSE,
                                  max_vars = 3, max_conj = 3,
                                  search_algo = "greedy",
                                  tree_control = tree.control(
                                    nodesize = floor(0.05 * nrow(X)/2)
                                  simplify = "vars",
                                  conjsize = floor(0.05 * nrow(X)/2))
calcNRMSE(predict(model.boosted, X[(N/2+1):N,],
                  Z = Z[(N/2+1):N,,drop=FALSE]), y[(N/2+1):N])

# Calculate VIMs (variable importance measures)
vims <- vim(model.bagged)

# Single greedy model
model <- logicDT(X[1:(N/2),], y[1:(N/2)],
                 Z = Z[1:(N/2),,drop=FALSE],
                 max_vars = 3, max_conj = 2,
                 search_algo = "greedy",
                 tree_control = tree.control(
                   nodesize = floor(0.05 * nrow(X)/2)
                 simplify = "vars",
                 allow_conj_removal = FALSE,
                 conjsize = floor(0.05 * nrow(X)/2))
calcNRMSE(predict(model, X[(N/2+1):N,],
                  Z = Z[(N/2+1):N,,drop=FALSE]), y[(N/2+1):N])

Fitting bagged logicDT models


Function for fitting bagged logicDT models.


## Default S3 method:
logicDT.bagging(X, y, Z = NULL, bagging.iter = 500, ...)

## S3 method for class 'formula'
logicDT.bagging(formula, data, ...)



Matrix or data frame of binary predictors coded as 0 or 1.


Response vector. 0-1 coding for binary responses. Otherwise, a regression task is assumed.


Optional matrix or data frame of quantitative/continuous covariables. Multiple covariables allowed for splitting the trees. If leaf regression models (such as four parameter logistic models) shall be fitted, only the first given covariable is used.


Number of bagging iterations


Arguments passed to logicDT


An object of type formula describing the model to be fitted.


A data frame containing the data for the corresponding formula object. Must also contain quantitative covariables if they should be included as well.


Details on single logicDT models can be found in logicDT.


An object of class logic.bagged. This is a list containing


A list of fitted logicDT models


A list of observation indices which were used to train each model


Supplied parameters of the functional call to logicDT.bagging.

Fitting boosted logicDT models


Function for fitting gradient boosted logicDT models.


## Default S3 method:
  Z = NULL,
  boosting.iter = 500,
  learning.rate = 0.01,
  subsample.frac = 1,
  replace = TRUE, = "min",

## S3 method for class 'formula'
logicDT.boosting(formula, data, ...)



Matrix or data frame of binary predictors coded as 0 or 1.


Response vector. 0-1 coding for binary responses. Otherwise, a regression task is assumed.


Optional matrix or data frame of quantitative/continuous covariables. Multiple covariables allowed for splitting the trees. If leaf regression models (such as four parameter logistic models) shall be fitted, only the first given covariable is used.


Number of boosting iterations


Learning rate for boosted models. Values between 0.001 and 0.1 are recommended.


Subsample fraction for each boosting iteration. E.g., 0.5 means that are random draw of 50 is used in each iteration.


Should the random draws with subsample.frac in boosted models be performed with or without replacement? TRUE or FALSE

Type of line search for gradient boosting. "min" performs a real minimization while "binary" performs a loose binary search for a boosting coefficient that just reduces the score.


Arguments passed to logicDT


An object of type formula describing the model to be fitted.


A data frame containing the data for the corresponding formula object. Must also contain quantitative covariables if they should be included as well.


Details on single logicDT models can be found in logicDT.


An object of class logic.boosted. This is a list containing


A list of fitted logicDT models


A vector of boosting coefficient corresponding to each model


Initial model which is usually the observed mean


Supplied parameters of the functional call to logicDT.boosting.


  • Lau, M., Schikowski, T. & Schwender, H. (2024). logicDT: A procedure for identifying response-associated interactions between binary predictors. Machine Learning 113(2):933–992. doi:10.1007/s10994-023-06488-6

  • Friedman, J. H. (2001). Greedy Function Approximation: A Gradient Boosting Machine. The Annals of Statistics, 29(5), 1189–1232. doi:10.1214/aos/1013203451

Partial prediction for boosted models


Alternative prediction function for logic.boosted models using up to n.iter boosting iterations. An array of predictions for every number of boosting iterations up to n.iter is returned.


partial.predict(model, X, Z = NULL, n.iter = 1, ...)



Fitted logic.boosted model


Matrix or data frame of binary input data. This object should correspond to the binary matrix for fitting the model.


Optional quantitative covariables supplied as a matrix or data frame. Only used (and required) if the model was fitted using them.


Maximum number of boosting iterations for prediction


Parameters supplied to predict.logicDT


The main purpose of this function is to retrieve the optimal number of boosting iterations (early stopping) using a validation data set and to restrict future predictions on this number of iterations.


An array of dimension (N, n.iter) containing the partial predictions

Plot a logic decision tree


This function plots a logicDT model on the active graphics device.


fancy.plot(x, cdot = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'logicDT'
  fancy = TRUE,
  x_scaler = 0.5,
  margin_scaler = 0.2,
  cex = 1,
  cdot = FALSE,



An object of the class logicDT


Should a centered dot be used instead of a logical and for depicting interactions?


Arguments passed to fancy plotting function


Should the fancy mode be used for plotting? Default is TRUE.


Scaling factor on the horizontal axis for deeper trees, i.e., x_scaler = 0.5 means that the horizontal distance between two adjacent nodes is halved for every vertical level.


Margin factor. Smaller values lead to smaller margins.


Scaling factor for the plotted text elements.


There are two plotting modes:

  • fancy = FALSE which draws a tree with direct edges between the nodes. Leaves are represented by their prediction value which is obtained by the (observed) conditional mean.

  • fancy = TRUE plots a tree similar to those in the rpart (Therneau and Atkinson, 2019) and splinetree (Neufeld and Heggeseth, 2019) R packages. The trees are drawn in an angular manner and if leaf regression models were fitted, appropriate plots of the fitted curves are depicted in the leaves. Otherwise, the usual prediction values are shown.


No return value, called for side effects


Plot calculated VIMs


This function plots variable importance measures yielded by the function vim in a dotchart.


## S3 method for class 'vim'
plot(x, p = 10, ...)



An object of the class vim


The number of most important terms which will be included in the plot. A value of 0 leads to plotting all terms.


Ignored additional parameters


No return value, called for side effects

Prediction for 4pL models


Use new input data and a fitted four parameter logistic model to predict corresponding outcomes.


## S3 method for class ''4pl''
predict(object, Z, ...)



Fitted 4pl model


Numeric vector of new input samples


Ignored additional parameters


A numeric vector of predictions. For binary outcomes, this is a vector with estimates for P(Y=1X=x)P(Y=1 \mid X = x).

Prediction for linear models


Use new input data and a fitted linear model to predict corresponding outcomes.


## S3 method for class 'linear'
predict(object, Z, ...)



Fitted linear model


Numeric vector of new input samples


Ignored additional parameters


For binary outcomes, predictions are cut at 0 or 1 for generating proper probability estimates.


A numeric vector of predictions. For binary outcomes, this is a vector with estimates for P(Y=1X=x)P(Y=1 \mid X = x).

Prediction for linear.logic models


Use new input data and a fitted linear.logic model to predict corresponding outcomes.


## S3 method for class 'linear.logic'
predict(object, X, Z = NULL, s = NULL, ...)



Fitted linear.logic model


Matrix or data frame of binary input data. This object should correspond to the binary matrix for fitting the model.


Optional quantitative covariables supplied as a matrix or data frame. Only used (and required) if the model was fitted using them.


Regularization parameter. Only used if type = "lasso" or type = "cv.lasso" was set. Only useful if the penalty saved in object$s should be overwritten.


Ignored additional parameters


A numeric vector of predictions. For binary outcomes, this is a vector with estimates for P(Y=1X=x)P(Y=1 \mid X = x).

Prediction for logicDT models


Supply new input data for predicting the outcome with a fitted logicDT model.


## S3 method for class 'logic.bagged'
predict(object, X, Z = NULL, type = "prob", ...)

## S3 method for class 'logic.boosted'
predict(object, X, Z = NULL, type = "prob", ...)

## S3 method for class 'logicDT'
  Z = NULL,
  type = "prob",
  ensemble = FALSE,
  leaves = "4pl",

## S3 method for class 'genetic.logicDT'
  Z = NULL,
  models = "best",
  n_models = 10,
  ensemble = NULL,
  leaves = "4pl",



Fitted logicDT model. Usually a product of a call to logicDT.


Matrix or data frame of binary input data. This object should correspond to the binary matrix for fitting the model.


Optional quantitative covariables supplied as a matrix or data frame. Only used (and required) if the model was fitted using them.


Prediction type. This can either be "prob" for probability estimates or "class" for (hard) classification of binary responses. Ignored for regression.


Parameters supplied to predict.logicDT


If the model was fitted using the inner validation approach, shall the prediction be constructed using the final validated ensemble (TRUE) or using the single final tree (FALSE)?


If leaf regression models (such as four parameter logistic models) were fitted, shall these models be used for the prediction ("4pl") or shall the constant leaf means be used ("constant")?


Which logicDT models fitted via genetic programming shall be used for prediction? "best" leads to the single best model in the final generation, "all" uses the average over the final generation and "n_models" uses the n_models best models.


How many models shall be used if models = "n_models" and genetic programming was employed?


A numeric vector of predictions. For binary outcomes, this is a vector with estimates for P(Y=1X=x)P(Y=1 \mid X = x).

Post-pruning using a fixed complexity penalty


Using a fitted logicDT model and a fixed complexity penalty alpha, its logic decision tree can be (post-)pruned.


prune(model, alpha, simplify = TRUE)



A fitted logicDT model


A fixed complexity penalty value. This value should be determined out-of-sample, e.g., performing hyperparameter optimization on independent validation data.


Should the pruned model be simplified with regard to the input terms, i.e., should terms that are no longer in the tree contained be removed from the model?


Similar to Breiman et al. (1984), we implement post-pruning by first computing the optimal pruning path and then choosing the tree that is pruned according to the specified complexity penalty.

If no validation data is available or if the tree shall be automatically optimally pruned, cv.prune should be used instead which employs k-fold cross-validation for finding the best complexity penalty value.


The new logicDT model containing the pruned tree

Pruning path of a logic decision tree


Using a single fitted logic decision tree, the cost-complexity pruning path containing the ideal subtree for a certain complexity penalty can be computed.


prune.path(pet, y, Z)



A fitted logic decision tree. This can be extracted from a logicDT model, e.g., using model$pet.


Training outcomes for potentially refitting regression models in the leaves. This can be extracted from a logicDT model, e.g., using model$y.


Continuous training predictors for potentially refitting regression models in the leaves. This can be extracted from a logicDT model, e.g., using model$Z. If no continuous covariable was used in fitting the model, Z = model$Z = NULL should be specified.


This is mainly a helper function for cv.prune and should only be used by the user if manual pruning is preferred. More details are given in cv.prune.


Two lists. The first contains the sequence of complexity penalties alphaalpha. The second list contains the corresponding logic decision trees which can then be substituted in an already fitted logicDT model, e.g., using model$pet <- result[[2]][[i]] where result is the returned object from this function and i is the chosen tree index.

Refit the logic decision trees


Newly fit the decision trees in the logicDT model using the supplied tree control parameters. This is especially useful if, e.g., the model was initially trained without utilizing a continuous covariable or fitting linear models and now 4pL model shall be fitted.


refitTrees(model, tree_control)



A fitted logicDT model


Tree control parameters. This object should be constructed using the function tree.control. Alternatively, the old tree_control from model can be modified and specified here.


The logicDT model with newly fitted trees

Split biallelic SNPs into binary variables


This function takes a matrix or data frame of SNPs coded as 0, 1, 2 or 1, 2, 3 and returns a data frame with twice as many columns. SNPs are splitted into dominant and recessive modes, i.e., for a SNP{0,1,2}\mathrm{SNP} \in \lbrace 0,1,2 \rbrace, two variables SNPD=(SNP0)\mathrm{SNP}_D = (\mathrm{SNP} \neq 0) and SNPR=(SNP=2)\mathrm{SNP}_R = (\mathrm{SNP} = 2) are generated.





A matrix or data frame only consisting of SNPs to be splitted


A data frame of the splitted SNPs

Control parameters for fitting decision trees


Configure the fitting process of individual decision trees.


  nodesize = 10,
  split_criterion = "gini",
  alpha = 0.05,
  cp = 0.001,
  smoothing = "none",
  mtry = "none",
  covariable = "final_4pl"



Minimum number of samples contained in a terminal node. This parameter ensures that enough samples are available for performing predictions which includes fitting regression models such as 4pL models.


Splitting criterion for deciding when and how to split. The default is "gini"/"mse" which utilizes the Gini splitting criterion for binary risk estimation tasks and the mean squared error as impurity measure in regression tasks. Alternatively, "4pl" can be used if a quantitative covariable is supplied and the parameter covariable is chosen such that 4pL model fitting is enabled, i.e., covariable = "final_4pl" or covariable = "full_4pl". A fast modeling alternative is given by "linear" which also requires the parameter covariable to be properly chosen, i.e., covariable = "final_linear" or covariable = "full_linear".


Significance threshold for the likelihood ratio tests when using split_criterion = "4pl" or "linear". Only splits that achieve a p-value smaller than alpha are eligible.


Complexity parameter. This parameter determines by which amount the impurity has to be reduced to further split a node. Here, the total tree impurity is considered. See details for a specific formula. Only used if split_criterion = "gini" or "mse".


Shall the leaf predictions for risk estimation be smoothed? "laplace" yields Laplace smoothing. The default is "none" which does not employ smoothing.


Shall the tree fitting process be randomized as in random forests? Currently, only "sqrt" for using p\sqrt{p} random predictors at each node for splitting and "none" (default) for fitting conventional decision trees are supported.


How shall optional quantitative covariables be handled? "constant" ignores them. Alternatively, they can be considered as splitting variables ("_split"), used for fitting 4pL models in each leaf ("_4pl"), or used for fitting linear models in each leaf ("_linear"). If either splitting or model fitting is chosen, one should state if this should be handled over the whole search ("full_", computationally expensive) or just the final trees ("final_"). Thus, "final_4pl" would lead to fitting 4pL models in each leaf but only for the final tree fitting.


For the Gini or MSE splitting criterion, if any considered split ss leads to

P(t)ΔI(s,t)>cpP(t) \cdot \Delta I(s,t) > \texttt{cp}

for a node tt, the empirical node probability P(t)P(t) and the impurity reduction ΔI(s,t)\Delta I(s,t), then the node is further splitted. If not, the node is declared as a leaf. For continuous outcomes, cp will be scaled by the empirical variance of y to ensure the right scaling, i.e., cp <- cp * var(y). Since the impurity measure for continuous outcomes is the mean squared error, this can be interpreted as controlling the minimum reduction of the normalized mean squared error (NRMSE to the power of two).

If one chooses the 4pL or linear splitting criterion, likelihood ratio tests testing the alternative of better fitting individual models are employed. The corresponding test statistic asymptotically follows a χ2\chi^2 distribution where the degrees of freedom are given by the difference in the number of model parameters, i.e., leading to 244=42 \cdot 4 - 4 = 4 degrees of freedom in the case of 4pL models and to 222=22 \cdot 2 - 2 = 2 degrees of freedom in the case of linear models.

For binary outcomes, choosing to fit linear models for evaluating the splits or for modeling the leaves actually leads to fitting LDA (linear discriminant analysis) models.


An object of class tree.control which is a list of all necessary tree parameters.

Variable Importance Measures (VIMs)


Calculate variable importance measures (VIMs) based on different approaches.


  scoring_rule = "auc",
  vim_type = "logic",
  adjust = TRUE,
  interaction_order = 3,
  nodesize = NULL,
  alpha = 0.05,
  X_oob = NULL,
  y_oob = NULL,
  Z_oob = NULL,
  leaves = "4pl",



The fitted logicDT or logic.bagged model


The scoring rule for assessing the model performance. As in logicDT, "auc", "nce", "deviance" and "brier" are possible for binary outcomes. For regression, the mean squared error is used.


The type of VIM to be calculated. This can either be "logic", "remove" or "permutation". See below for details.


Shall adjusted interaction VIMs be additionally (to the VIMs of identified terms) computed? See below for details.


If adjust = TRUE, up to which interaction order shall adjusted interaction VIMs be computed?


If adjust = TRUE, how many observations need to be discriminated by an interaction in order to being considered? Similar to conjsize in logicDT and nodesize in tree.control.


If adjust = TRUE, a further adjustment can be performed trying to identify the specific conjunctions responsible for the interaction of the considered binary predictors. alpha specifies the significance level for statistical tests testing the alternative of a difference in the response for specific conjunctions. alpha = 0 leads to no further adjustment. See below for details.


The predictor data which should be used for calculating the VIMs. Preferably some type of validation data independent of the training data.


The outcome data for computing the VIMs. Preferably some type of validation data independent of the training data.


The optional covariable data for computing the VIMs. Preferably some type of validation data independent of the training data.


The prediction mode if regression models (such as 4pL models) were fitted in the leaves. As in predict.logicDT, "4pl" and "constant" are the possible settings.


Parameters passed to the different VIM type functions. For vim_type = "logic", the argument average can be specified as "before" or "after". For vim_type = "permutation", n.perm can be set to the number of random permutations. For vim_type = "remove", empty.model can be specified as either "none" ignoring empty models with all predictive terms removed or "mean" using the response mean as prediction in the case of an empty model. See below for details.


Three different VIM methods are implemented:

  • Permutation VIMs: Random permutations of the respective identified logic terms

  • Removal VIMs: Removing single logic terms

  • Logic VIMs: Prediction with both possible outcomes of a logic term

Details on the calculation of these VIMs are given below.

By variable importance, importance of identified logic terms is meant. These terms can be single predictors or conjunctions between predictors in the spirit of this software package.


A data frame with two columns:


Short descriptions of the terms for which the importance was measured. For example -X1^X2 for X1cX2X_1^c \land X_2.


The actual calculated VIM values.

The rows of such a data frame are sorted decreasingly by the VIM values.

Permutation VIMs (Breiman & Cutler, 2003)

Permutation VIMs are computed by comparing the the model's performance using the original data and data with random permutations of single terms.

Removal VIMs

Removal VIMs are constructed by removing specific logic terms from the set of predictors, refitting the decision tree and comparing the performance to the original model. Thus, this approach requires that at least two terms were found by the algorithm. Therefore, no VIM will be calculated if empty.model = "none" was specified. Alternatively, empty.model = "mean" can be set to use the constant mean response model for approximating the empty model.

Logic VIMs (Lau et al., 2024)

Logic VIMs use the fact that Boolean conjunctions are Boolean variables themselves and therefore are equal to 0 or 1. To compute the VIM for a specific term, predictions are performed once for this term fixed to 0 and once for this term fixed to 1. Then, the arithmetic mean of these two (risk or regression) predictions is used for calculating the performance. This performance is then compared to the original one as in the other VIM approaches (average = "before"). Alternatively, predictions for each fixed 0-1 scenario of the considered term can be performed leading to individual performances which then are averaged and compared to the original performance (average = "after").


Validation data sets which were not used in the fitting of the model are prefered preventing an overfitting of the VIMs themselves. These should be specified by the _oob arguments, if neither bagging nor inner validation was used for fitting the model.


For the bagging version, out-of-bag (OOB) data are naturally used for the calculation of VIMs.

VIM Adjustment for Interactions (Lau et al., 2024)

Since decision trees can naturally include interactions between single predictors (especially when strong marginal effects are present as well), logicDT models might, e.g., include the single input variables X1X_1 and X2X_2 but not their interaction X1X2X_1 \land X_2 although an interaction effect is present. We, therefore, developed and implemented an adjustment approach for calculating VIMs for such unidentified interactions nonetheless. For predictors Xi1,,Xik=:ZX_{i_1}, \ldots, X_{i_k} =: Z, this interaction importance is given by

VIM(Xi1Xik)=VIM(Xi1,,XikXZ){j1,,jl}{i1,,ik}VIM(Xj1XjlXZ)\mathrm{VIM}(X_{i_1} \land \ldots \land X_{i_k}) = \mathrm{VIM}(X_{i_1}, \ldots, X_{i_k} \mid X \setminus Z) - \sum_{\lbrace j_1, \ldots, j_l \rbrace {\subset \atop \neq} \lbrace i_1, \ldots, i_k \rbrace} \mathrm{VIM}(X_{j_1} \land \ldots \land X_{j_l} \mid X \setminus Z)

and can basically be applied to all black-box models. By VIM(AXZ)\mathrm{VIM}(A \mid X \setminus Z), the VIM of AA considering the predictor set excluding the variables in ZZ is meant, i.e., the improvement of additionally considering AA while regarding only the predictors in XZX \setminus Z. The proposed interaction VIM can be recursively calculated through

VIM(Xi1Xi2)=VIM(Xi1,Xi2XZ)VIM(Xi1XZ)VIM(Xi2XZ)\mathrm{VIM}(X_{i_1} \land X_{i_2}) = \mathrm{VIM}(X_{i_1}, X_{i_2} \mid X \setminus Z) - \mathrm{VIM}(X_{i_1} \mid X \setminus Z) - \mathrm{VIM}(X_{i_2} \mid X \setminus Z)

for Z=Xi1,Xi2Z = X_{i_1}, X_{i_2}. This leads to the relationship

VIM(Xi1Xik)={j1,,jl}{i1,,ik}(1)klVIM(Xj1,,XjlXZ).\mathrm{VIM}(X_{i_1} \land \ldots \land X_{i_k}) = \sum_{\lbrace j_1, \ldots, j_l \rbrace \subseteq \lbrace i_1, \ldots, i_k \rbrace} (-1)^{k-l} \cdot \mathrm{VIM}(X_{j_1}, \ldots, X_{j_l} \mid X \setminus Z).

Identification of Specific Conjunctions (Lau et al., 2024)

The aforementioned VIM adjustment approach only captures the importance of a general definition of interactions, i.e., it just considers the question whether some variables do interact in any way. Since logicDT is aimed at identifying specific conjunctions (and also assigns them VIMs if they were identified by logicDT), a further adjustment approach is implemented which tries to identify the specific conjunction leading to an interaction effect. The idea of this method is to consider the response for each possible scenario of the interacting variables, e.g., for X1(X2cX3)X_1 \land (X_2^c \land X_3) where the second term X2cX3X_2^c \land X_3 was identified by logicDT and, thus, two interacting terms are regarded, the 22=42^2 = 4 possible scenarios {(i,j)i,j{0,1}}\lbrace (i, j) \mid i, j \in \lbrace 0, 1 \rbrace \rbrace are considered. For each setting, the corresponding response is compared with outcome values of the complementary set. For continuous outcomes, a two sample t-test (with Welch correction for potentially unequal variances) is performed comparing the means between these two groups. For binary outcomes, Fisher's exact test is performed testing different underlying case probabilities. If at least one test rejects the null hypothesis of equal outcomes (without adjusting for multiple testing), the combination with the lowest p-value is chosen as the explanatory term for the interaction effect. For example, if the most significant deviation results from X1=0X_1 = 0 and (X2cX3)=1(X_2^c \land X_3) = 1 from the example above, the term X1c(X2cX3)X_1^c \land (X_2^c \land X_3) is chosen.
